How Gutter Guards Can Save Your Home and Your Health

The health and safety of our family are of paramount importance, and we take various measures to ensure such safety. Regular cleaning and maintenance of various installations in and around the house are a part of such efforts. However, several factors can compromise the hygiene of your living space. Also, it can jeopardize your health and safety.

Gutters are responsible for channeling the water from your roof away from your house. However, the gutters can get clogged and overflow. The leaking water can cause significant damage to the health and safety of your family members.

Gutter guards help in preventing gutter clogging and ensure safety and hygiene around your house. Let us discuss how gutter guards save your home and your health.

1. It keeps pests away from your house.

Pests and insects are always looking for safe and comfortable spaces in your house. Clogged gutters filled with debris and standing waters offer the ideal dwelling and breeding environment for pests, insects, rodents, bats, mosquitoes, etc.

Needless to mention, these pests also bring numerous diseases that can spread easily and put your family at risk. Also, cleaning the gutters after such an infestation can become a daunting task. You may need to call for professionals for gutter cleaning, which can cause additional expenses.

Gutter guards, Raleigh NC, prevent leaves twigs, and debris from getting inside your gutters and ensures the unrestricted flow of water. Hence, it prevents pest infestation and the resulting infections.

2. It reduces the risk of accidents.

It is common for people to clean their gutters just like any other installation in their house. Gutter cleaning is essential to prevent the gutters from leaking water. However, getting your ladder and climbing the roof to clean the frequently clogged gutters is quite a task.

There is always a risk of slipping and falling. A lot of people suffer from severe injuries and end up getting hospitalized for days. Also, some may lose their lives in a tragic fall.

Installing gutter guards, in Raleigh, NC, ensures that your gutters don’t get clogged frequently. Even if some debris finds its way inside the gutter, it won’t require much time to clean.

3. It prevents your property from water damage.

A gutter guard protects your house from water leakage and flooding. When the gutters get clogged, it restricts the flow of water through the gutter to the downspout. The water may start overflowing and even leak into your house.

Such a situation can be extremely inconvenient and also damage the property. Spilling on the side can also get to the other areas of your house.

Water pooling on the roof can reach the fascia boards damaging them and destructing the structural integrity of your house. Also, in case of a heavy downpour, the water can get to the basement and destroy the foundation of the building.

4. It can eliminate mold and mildew growth.

We all know that Mold and mildew growth can put your family at high risk. It can cause infections and respiratory issues. When leaves, twigs, branches, etc. get inside your gutters, they can become the most favorable ground for mold growth.

Also, stagnant water acts as a catalyst in the process. The outgrowth can spread to other parts of your house. This can be detrimental to the health of your family members, especially if you have patients suffering from asthma, allergy, and other respiratory conditions.

Also, water spillage and leaking water can cause rotting of the housing material and mold growth on its surface. Hence, to ensure that the members of your family remain free of respiratory issues, you need to install gutter guards as a preventive measure.

If you can already witness mold and mildew growth, you should call a professional to remove mold and install gutter guards to prevent such situations in the future.

These are some of the ways in which gutter guards Raleigh NC, can save your home and your health.