Things that Might be Harming Your Hardwood Flooring

Hardwood flooring in Arizona is one of the most desired features for homeowners. They not only add an elegant look to your furnished house but can also last for many years. However, these floors are susceptible to damage when not cared for properly.

Certain things can ruin your expensive wooden planks. Chances are you are doing some of them knowingly or unknowingly. Let’s look at some of these issues that could be ruining your beautiful hardwood floors.

1. Too much use of liquid cleaner

Hardwood floors do not react well to humidity or moisture. Hence, cleaning with liquids should be completely avoided. The floors can soak up moisture and become expanded. This can cause warped floors.

Hence, you should opt for dry alternatives to remove dust like vacuum cleaning or sweeping. For wet cleaning, you can use a damp cloth. However, make sure you wring the cloth to remove excess water. Also, if the floor is damaged and the upper coating has been scratched or scraped, you need to be more cautious as your floors are more susceptible to damage.

2. Being exposed to too much sunlight

The scorching UV rays of the sun not only ruin your skin but can also ruin your beautiful hardwood floors. When your hardwood is regularly exposed to sunlight for a long time, it can cause discoloration. It also makes your floor look dull and old. To protect your hardwood floors from the scorching rays, you might want to draw your curtains during the day.

3. Scratches from your pets

If you have pets in your house, be careful that they should not have long nails. Your pet can scratch your beautiful floors, causing screeching noises.

scratches can ruin its aesthetic appeal and beauty. Hence, we recommend getting your pet’s nails trimmed from time to time to avoid such things. This will help you preserve your hardwood floors and give them a long life.

4. Avoid wearing high heels.

If your house has excellent hardwood flooring in Arizona, it is advisable to avoid roaming about in the house wearing your heels. The heels can scratch your hardwood floors because of their pointy surface. It can leave a dent mark on your floor. So, to avoid it, wear some comfy pair of slippers and leave your heels outside the door.

5. Weight of furniture

When you leave your furniture on bare hardwood floors and someone sits on it, the legs of your pieces of furniture, such as sofas or tables, tend to gouge your hardwood floor. To avoid such a situation, you may place furniture pads on your floor, under the pieces of furniture. Also, keep on checking them from time to time for wear and tear. Start replacing them when they are torn down. This will protect your floor from getting scratches, dents, or gouges.

6. Harsh sweeping

Every house needs to be cleaned regularly. However, it is important to be cautious when cleaning hardwood floors. While you sweep your floor rigorously, tiny dust particles can leave a mark of scratches on the hardwood floor. Hence it is important to be gentle while sweeping the floor. You may even use a vacuum cleaner as an alternative to sweeping.

Hardwood flooring in Arizona needs proper care and maintenance. Hardwood flooring is one of the most elegant flooring options that can give your house a classy look. It will serve you with its prolonged beauty if properly cared for.

Here are a few points that may ruin your hardwood flooring. Becoming aware of these factors can help you avoid these mistakes. Hence, you can prevent your wooden floors from damage and preserve their beauty. Also, these tips will add to the longevity of your floors and provide you with the best value for your money.